December 2016
My first research paper in my journey in the Engineering world is about " The Internet of Things (IoT): Application in Saudi Arabia Healthcare".
This research paper has not been published in journals or anywhere but it's just a required
to complete IE-200 course in the first semester of Engineering college.
The purpose of this research was to examine the impacts of the Internet of Things on the Saudi Arabian healthcare sector and to determine the most significant barriers to implementing this innovative technology. To uncover Saudi attitudes about this technology, the researcher developed a survey using Google Forms and targeted the general Saudi population and found that most of the respondents agree that implementing technology in medical fields is necessary and will lead to better health outcomes. Also, the respondents indicated that the number of visits to the hospital for specific issues could be reduced by using the Internet of Things application which, in turn, will reduce healthcare costs. One of the challenges to implementing this application is the unreliable internet connections in Saudi Arabia. The researcher concluded her paper with recommendations to further investigate the benefits of the Internet of Things in the Saudi healthcare system and how it might reduce the cost of providing proper patient care.
Keywords: Internet of Things, IoT, tele-health, healthcare in Saudi Arabia

June 2017
We have made this project for IE201 (Engineering Design).The refrigerator is divided into labeled sections with the regular groceries and contains sensors that sense when a section is empty, then send the information to an application in a smartphone. Also, once any groceries enter the refrigerator, there is reminds barcode reader which reads the expiration Date and reminds the user three days before the product expires.
Project Parts
Bluetooth Sender
Jumper Wires
100K Resistors