غارقة في متاهة البحث، بحثي الذي عنوانه أنترنت الاشياء “ The internet of things “ بين مصدرٍ وآخر من منشورةٍ هنا ومجلةٍ هناك كم كٌنت متلهفة...

شعور رِحلة كِفاح
"شعُور في رِحلة كِفاح" بين كومة ربكتي وقلقي من بين مَهمة واخرى، من مُستجدات الجهد على أنسجة عقلي وجسدي لم يألفها من قبل من الوقت المحسوب،...

" Success is no accident , it's hard work , learning , studying , sacrifice , and most of all love of what you are doing " السلام عليكم...

6-Digital Hourglass
DISCOVER: long data type , creating a timer in this project , we build a Digital Hourglass that turn on an LED every 10 minutes . know...

5-keyboard instrument
DISCOVER: resistor ladder , arrays with few resistors and buttons and piezo we made a small musical keyboard .. A piezo is a small...

4- reply cue
DISCOVER: mapping value , servo motor , using built-in libraries use a servo motor to make a mechanical reply to point out if i agree...

3-Color Mixing lamp
DISCOVER: analog output , mapping values using a TRI-COLOR LED and three photoresistor u will create a lamp that smoothly changes colors...

2- Love-o-motor
DISCOVER : analog input, using the serial monitor Turn the arduino into a love MACHINE , I use this to see how much my friends and...

1- spaceship interface
DISCOVER : digital input and output *FIRST PROGRAM* it ia a cool control panel with a switch and lights that turn on when you press the...