3-Color Mixing lamp

DISCOVER: analog output , mapping values
using a TRI-COLOR LED and three photoresistor u will create a lamp that smoothly changes colors depending on external lighting conditions
i use in this simple project a Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) : its main use is to allow the control of the power supplied to electrical devices especially to inertial loads such as motors
PWM rapidly turns the pin HIGH and LOW over a fixed period of time it’s as changing the voltage
The percentage of time a pin is HIGH in a period called duty cycle when the pin is HIGH for half of the period and LOW for the other half the duty cycle is a 50% . a lower duty cycle gives you a dimmer LED than a higher duty cycle
PWM can be used (EX)..
to control LED brightness
to mix RGB color
to hold a servo motor at 90 degrees relative to its bracket
INGREDIENTS : LED , 220 ohm resistor , 10 ohm resistor , photoresistor , GEL