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Friday, Oct 13 / 2017

First Day

6:57 AM

KAUST: The most awesome university I've dreamed to visit ... Yeah Now I'm on my way to that dream. This is the first time I'm going there. I've participated in the

STEAM innovation challenge

The type of challenge that you don't have to prepare for, just come with clear mind and huge amount of positive energy. Also, don't forget your self-confidence, you'll definitely need it.

7:12 AM

A beautiful girl called Raghad started calling our names and telling us the number of our teams, my team number is 21 I'm excited to get know my teammates.

7:51 AM

I think I'm a little bit silly but watching how the bus drivers drive these huge buses in the parking lot is hilarious. They are really talented, and may I ask one of them to teach me how to drive.🤣

9:00 AM

The event has started, and my adrenaline level is rising. I've met my wonderful team members, Lubna Alhajsalem, Manar Esmail, and Ibraheem Abuhanash. The challenge for this STEAM is about banking. We were given three main challenge:

  • Management and Transfer of Money,

  • Managing Relationships with Customers,

  • and Securing and Managing Information

And each one of them has three sub-challenges.

Around 3:01 PM

Too tired ... too exhausted ...Yet it is very enjoyable, this mess we're in, many problems, many generated ideas. we don't really have a direction, just putting ideas on the board, discussing, asking our mentors again and again.

Till 8:00 PM

Working... Working... Working... and searching… Searching a lot! really a challenge, isn't it?

Saturday, Oct 14 / 2017

Second Day

7:07 AM

In the bus, with bloodshot eyes, we must look dead on our feet.. Everyone's faces are tired and sleepy..

8:02 AM

Eating breakfast to gain some energy!

KAUST breakfast

Till 1:00 PM

We've worked the rest of the day on the presentation, presenting our idea in this challenge is the most important part.

Explain your idea as clear as you can, and never assume something as obvious. Show the power of the idea! Be Smart!

I can't remember who said it, I've remembered the words.

At 1:35 PM


at the middle, in front of judges

Presenting our idea with my teammate Lubna


Thanks, KAUST, for giving us this great experience! It was a most precious experience and memorable event for me. The most awesome part was when SABB employees had discussions with us and when we shared our ideas to them then they gave us feedback.

I now understand something that I didn't realize in me: I can adapt with new people and new team very fast.

Also, I felt that I have a kind of courage when I want to achieve something even though it's hard. Doing a presentation in front of judges and hundreds of people was a big and brave step

Finally, the winning team

I can't describe my feeling.. I'm so proud that my friend Atheer Nejaim is part of this great team. This is first time she participated in the STEAM innovation challenge and she came back with the First Prize. I'm so proud of you girl.


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